Our Resources
Piteau Associates’ main asset is the knowledge and experience of its engineers, scientists, and technologists. We use proven field investigation techniques; industry standard laboratory testing protocols; and advanced analysis, modelling, and design methods. Our group is resourced and equipped with all the recognized industry best practice software tools for analysis, interpretation and prediction of surface and groundwater systems. Piteau’s integrated geotechnical and water management teams innovate workflow and code to couple groundwater, geomechanical and environmental analysis and solutions. This is achieved with the commercial and in-house software and comprehensive suite of modern field equipment and instrumentation described below.
Geotechnical and Rock Mechanics applications:
• Photogrammetric equipment and software (ADAM Technology) for structural mapping and slope documentation of rock exposures
• Geotechnical and geological mapping of core and surface exposures (GVMapper)
• Geologic structural and kinematic analyses using Rocscience software (Dips, Roc Plane, Swedge, and Unwedge) and in-house programs (Kinstabl)
• 2D and 3D limit equilibrium slope stability analysis software (Slide, SVSlope, and CLARA-W)
• Numerical analysis of stress and deformation using software from Itasca (3DEC, UDEC, FLAC3D, and FLAC), Geo-slope (SIGMA/W) and Rocscience (RS2, EXAMINE, and EXAMINE 3D)
• Commercial and in-house software for deformation monitoring of inclinometers, extensometers, and prisms (IMPRISM)
• Analysis of structural orientation data obtained using borehole televiewer equipment (WellCAD)
• Rockfall and runout assessments (RocFall, Dan-W, Dan-3D, and CRSP)
• 3D mine modelling (Surpac, AutoCAD, and Rhinoceros + Griddle)
Hydrogeology and Water Management capabilities:
• Surface water modeling with code including HEC-HMS and HEC-RAS
• Complex water balance and chemistry modeling with Dynamic System and Geochemistry Modeling codes including Goldsim and PHREEQC
• Coupled pore pressure and geomechanical modeling with proprietary workflow and standard codes including Sigma/W
• Groundwater flow model and prediction with all recognized code including state-of-industry Finite Element and Finite Difference methods and PEST
• Leapfrog, Minesight, and GIS packages for study integration and analysis
• Workflow for integration of geomechanical and depressurization predictions
Standard field equipment and custom tools innovated by our senior team:
• Proprietary testing and monitoring equipment for RC hydrogeologic boreholes
• State-of-industry packer testing equipment
• Multiple level vibrating-wire piezometer installation rigs
• Soil vapor testing and monitoring equipment
• On-site core-logging trailer
In addition, Piteau Associates has developed long-standing relationships with a network of high-quality suppliers and service providers including:
Specialist consultants in related engineering and scientific disciplines
Analytical chemistry and assay laboratories
Soil and rock testing laboratories
Suppliers of specialized field and laboratory equipment (sales and rental)
Geophysical investigation contractors (surface and downhole)
Site remediation contractors
Contractors for borehole drilling, monitoring well/piezometer installation, and aquifer flow-testing